Friday, June 5, 2009

We're in Nairobi

Well, we are in Nairobi, Kenya. Bev, we may need to call upon the bank of Kurt yet. LOL
Because Immigration is threatening to keep us here for 6 months, they said the minimum for 3 months. I know!!! Rediculous! Please pray hard. :)

What a night! A travel agent at the airport got us a hotel. It was gross and disgusting. And on top of that, we were coughing, couldn't breathe, eyes burning, and it felt like I was swallowing gasoline or something worse. We asked the personnel at the hotel and they said "oh, that's tear bomb gas"
The police were fighting with people, and trying to catch them and throwing tear gas bombs. We're not in Canada anymore. It was scary. The hotel was something that you would pay $40 in Canada and it was $150U.S. I know crazy! I was wiping everything down with lysol wipes. But we couldn't handle the pain in our throats. Irakoze was coughing too. We left. We paid for 8 nights, and don't know if we will get any money back.
Now, we are safe, healthy and happy, but for a much larger cost. The cost of living is INSANE.

Please pray for safety, peace, and URGENCY!!!


  1. That is very crazy, but I'm glad you guys are safe! I'm showing Acacia Jaxon's picture and she tries to say his name, I think, she points at him and babbles, it's quite cute. We'll keep collecting the mail, and if there is anything else you need let us know, give Jaxon hugs from us, oh and you guys


  2. I know things seem hard right now but keep the faith I know in my heart that God will see you through this. Just think of the stories you will be able to tell your son when he grows up. He will never question your love for him and will know that he was destined to be with you. I will be doing extra prayers for your speedy return.
    Miss you
