Thursday, June 11, 2009

It's a Good Thing God Is In Control!

Sorry it has been a while since our last update but other than waiting for news there has been nothing really to report.
Well, yesterday we got in to see someone from immigration and the short of it is that she took some more info and told us she would read our file and let us know what they would do today. Well when she called this afternoon and said she did not have time to look at it, maybe Monday. The short of it again is that we were supposed to fly home tomorrow and now we are not. Have to change our flight again.

It is a good thing God knows what is happening and is in control because it is enough to drive someone around the bend.

Thanks for all your prayers and please pray that the visa will get passed early next week.

Love You All!


  1. Marcy it is just about enough to lead you to drinking.HAHA!I know Mike drinking is not the answer.Everything is going fine here. We now have sunshine and if we can believe the weather station it is supposed to be in the high 20's until after fathers day. There are a couple of days that we may get a drizzle of rain. I am praying that you will be home to celebrate father's day - wow Mike your first OFFICIAL father's day-scarry isn't it. But that is O.K. it just means you are entitled to a few REAL gray hairs, and just so you know once they start they multiply at an amazing rate.
    Thinking of you and will keep praying.
    If you have time -what does Irakoze like to play with?

  2. He loves to play with our shoes. He wears them around, drags them. Seems to be his favorite thing at the moment.

  3. Ok i don't think i will get him a bunch of used shoes though.
    I finally got a hold of francoise- by the way it's a female not a male. She said that she would not cancel your benefits and since you are gone it might take a little longer for your check to get to them but not to worry she understands the situation. I also left her my home phone number incase she needs it so I will be her go between if she needs one- hope you don't mind. I tried getting ahold of Gene but got voice mail and left him a message. I also gave him my home number in case he has questions about my message.
    Oh by the way Francoise suggested that you send some post dated checks I told her that I would pass the message on.

  4. Mike I just beat your record on tanks

    We are praying for you guys and please let me know if you need to be picked up from the airport


  5. Iron man here

    Mike if you need a evac I will be in that part of the world next month let me know

    Batman says hello

    Your friend

    Iron man

  6. Yes, Nola, he has enough of used shoes to play with, that's for sure. He will be so happy to see mommies collection!!
