Tuesday, June 16, 2009

God Made Them All, And They Were Good!

OK Nola this is just for you so that you have something to read before you go to bed :)

We are at a new location. We are at the Karen Holiday Guest Home and it is so different from where we were. We were at the heart of the city, but now we are out in the boonies...literally. (No pics to attach at this time but it is so beautiful). It is a Catholic owned and run facility. There are 7 cottages (huge houses with five rooms and tons of room) each with huge yards, individually fenced, on a contained street, and the whole compound is then surrounded by a wall and electric fence. It is in an exclusive area and I must say it is very impressive. Presently we have a whole cottage to ourselves although we expect that sooner or later we will have house mates as people, groups arrive daily. Lots of room for Jaxon to move around inside and out.

Today we went to the Giraffe Center which is just down the road and it was amazing. There were nine giraffes in a 40 acre treed area and an observation/feeding deck. We stood on the observation deck and hand fed alfalfa pellets to giraffe. You see them in zoos and such but this was an amazing up-close and personal experience. They are such incredible creatures. So beautiful! And God made them so graceful (despite the way Madigascar may represent them :))
We went on a bit of a nature walk to see a couple of giraffe in the jungle. We walk through some trails in search of these giraffe but all we ended up seeing are a lot of trees, giraffe poo, and bugs. Other than that we got lost for a spell but it was a beautiful walk.

We are holding up well. We thank for this new facility to stay in, it truly is a blessing.


  1. Marcy thank you for the update. I am finally jealous I hope that you were able to get a few pictures one day, one day in the future I hope to have a giraffe experience like you had. I am so happy that you have found a NICE PLACE to stay. I have been looking up a few things about Kenya and feel better knowing that you are in a safer place. When you get other people in your cottage just think about how nice it will be to make new lifetime friends. This will be an opportunity to share the gifts that God gave you, your winning personality, your contageous laughter and your beautiful smile. I know stop it or your head will swell. HAHA!! Hope you here something soon from the visa place and don't forget to have fun

  2. MARCY!!!!

    Yea I know...finally right?? But I'm heeerreee and you're theereee!! With your lil boy!! :) I'm so happy for you! Plus he's cuuuuuutee! Especially the one where he looks like he's screaming in your face ;) It seems like you've been on one heck of an adventure that's for sure! I'm sure there will be more stories to tell once you get home!! So when am I gonna be babysitting?? Lol!

    I've also decided I'm gonna get Jaxon a build a bear :) Cause I'm obssessed with that place! Haha sooo are you guys still keeping the African theme for the room?? Or do you think he'll have any animal preferences?? Perhaps a giraffe! Did he like the giraffes??

    Anyways now it seems like I'm just blabbering on...so I'll see you when you get hoome! Miss you lots!


  3. Hey guys, I was worried about you all, you haven't written for a while! It sounds like you found a nice place to stay, any word on coming home? I through out some growing stuff that was in your fridge, when you come home give me a grocery list and I can get things in there for you so you don't have to go out right away for milk, fruit ect. Acacia is running around already, she's getting ready to chase Jaxon around and kiss him or bite him, she's getting to that stage. Take care, we miss you lots!

  4. Hey sis , i'm so happy yu found somewhere else to stay , i was going to phone last night but worked til 7 30 and figured it ws awy too latet call , i'll be home at 4 today which is 9 your time , i'll call and hopefully Jaxon will be awake and the girlscan say hi .
    I went shopping , was so exciting bought about 12 outfits , sarah was with me and she had so much fun, next top is the toy store hehehehe
    wish i was there, id really have him spoiled .
    It's beautiful here today suppose to be 20 degrees, girlsfigure its warm enough to g swimming in the ocean BBURRRRR , i must be getting old. well i will talk to you tonight
    Love and miss you

  5. Happy that you guys found what sounds like a really great place! Anxious to hear that you will be able to come home soon...I will keep praying. But, look at it this way - this is a wonderful time for the both of you to bond with your son without having to share him! This time away will be really great for uniting the 3 of you as a family unit - you are in this together.

