Friday, June 19, 2009

This one's for you honey!!

I never thought that I would miss you this much. You are truly my soulmate and helpmate, and love of my life. I love you with all of my heart and I love our family!! I will get through this, but not easily without you. As I type this, I am running after our son every second word, because he is getting into everything on this desk. (he just threw a roll of masking tape on the keyboard and the page disappeared.) - I know that you are laughing, because you know exactly what I am talking about. Oh, now he closed the little gate , I chased him ,and he is cracking up laughing. Now he is picking up the phone. Anyways, I need to go!!!!!
Everyone else, this is why I won't be going on the internet. lol
Mike- I am more in love with you everyday because you are such an awesome papa. You all know that Mike is a man of few emotions. But having a son has brought out many different sides and emotions from him. The son shines out of his son for him. I never had to say "pay attention to your son", "spend some time with your son"
Mike you are a great papa!! He loves and misses you so much!! :) He is always talking on the "phone" to papa.
I love you and see you soon :)


  1. Ok, that brought a tear to my eye and a laugh from my belly! I can totally understand chasing a toddler, it's a blast and a workout all in the same breath. Good luck!! And have fun, enjoy every second, they grow up so fast.

  2. Did not comment on this one I must be slipping. Just wait till you get home I hope Mike has been busy Irakoze proofing the house. The counter that divides the kitchen from the livingroom is going to be an amazing flight ramp when h tries to jump off it
    Mis you lots and can not wait til you are home
