Sunday, June 28, 2009

Sleeping Like a Baby

We just got back from Calgary. It only took two hours for Marcy and Irakoze to get through customs and immigration. I think I wore a grove in the spot on the floor in the airport in anticipation of them coming through the doors. When they finally did what a wave of relief that washed over me seeing them. Then Marcy stopped and showed Irakoze his papa and as soon as he saw me he ran to me with his arms open, right into my arms (we caught the moment on tape. The first restraunt on Canadian soil was Boston Pizza, and it took about 5 minutes in the car and he was asleep :) Marcy soon thereafter. Sooooo Good to have them home!

All your prayers were much appreciated!


  1. Finally,finally,finally. Hope the night went well. Will be waiting to hear from you. Get lots of rest(haha-with an energetic child in the house) and when your routine becomes normal give me a call so I can here all about it. I am so happy you are home, safe and sound.
    I guess I had better go to chapters and get a book to read since this journey has come to an end.

  2. So glad u r home safe and sound,i will call tonight , hope the night went well and he slept good

  3. That is fantastic I am so glad you all have made it home safe!
