Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day Back at You

Thank you my love. Wish I was here or there as well. Miss you guys so very much!

I guess I should be wishing you a Happy Father's Day as at the moment you are both Mama and Papa. As a Father's Day present I long for nothing more than to have you and Irakoze being back here in Canada with me very soon.

I thank God for you Marcy, for your courage and strength, and your love.

Love you both! I will keep the prayer candle burning.


  1. Mike - Happy Fathers Day - from all of us at Southern Alberta 4 Adoption support group in Lethbridge. We all are following your blog, and keeping you in our prayers. We can hardly wait for all your family to be home and to celebrate you all in our next meeting! We will keep Marcy and Irakoze in our prayers that they come home safely soon.
    God bless you and your family,
    Roberta Matson

  2. Oh my I combined this message on the one before did not want to keep you at the computer to long seems like you have your hands full. But what fun!!!! Hope Irakoze is keeping you on your toes. Just think he has to make up for lost time (a couple of years) of you chasing him.
    Miss you and can not wait to help you chase him down I think it will be fun and I have a feeling I will be encouraging it with laughter
