Monday, June 29, 2009

A babysitter

Anyone know of a good babysitter - Reliable, responsible and energetic????

We want him to get used to someone right away. And get used to us going out and knowing that we are coming back. (That it is ok)

By the way, What do you pay babysitter these days??

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Sleeping Like a Baby

We just got back from Calgary. It only took two hours for Marcy and Irakoze to get through customs and immigration. I think I wore a grove in the spot on the floor in the airport in anticipation of them coming through the doors. When they finally did what a wave of relief that washed over me seeing them. Then Marcy stopped and showed Irakoze his papa and as soon as he saw me he ran to me with his arms open, right into my arms (we caught the moment on tape. The first restraunt on Canadian soil was Boston Pizza, and it took about 5 minutes in the car and he was asleep :) Marcy soon thereafter. Sooooo Good to have them home!

All your prayers were much appreciated!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Not maybe, but DEFINITELY SATURDAY!!!!!!!

We are leaving tomorrow. I am SO glad. Now I really feel like he is our son, since I can come to Canada with him. We are so blessed as a family. :)

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Maybe, possibly Friday ?!?!????

Maybe, You never know, have to wait and see!! Fingers and toes crossed. :)
They are doing an investigation today and tomorrow to make sure we didn't BUY him. Yeah, that's right. But you know what there are retarded people out there who do such things. Heard of one just this week. And it's because of these people why I can't go home.
I will find out tomorrow if we can go home this Fri. :)

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day Back at You

Thank you my love. Wish I was here or there as well. Miss you guys so very much!

I guess I should be wishing you a Happy Father's Day as at the moment you are both Mama and Papa. As a Father's Day present I long for nothing more than to have you and Irakoze being back here in Canada with me very soon.

I thank God for you Marcy, for your courage and strength, and your love.

Love you both! I will keep the prayer candle burning.

Happy Father's Day, Papa!!

Wish you were here or we were there. Probably the latter :)
Have a Great Day - Love you!
And to all the other Father's out there.

Friday, June 19, 2009

This one's for you honey!!

I never thought that I would miss you this much. You are truly my soulmate and helpmate, and love of my life. I love you with all of my heart and I love our family!! I will get through this, but not easily without you. As I type this, I am running after our son every second word, because he is getting into everything on this desk. (he just threw a roll of masking tape on the keyboard and the page disappeared.) - I know that you are laughing, because you know exactly what I am talking about. Oh, now he closed the little gate , I chased him ,and he is cracking up laughing. Now he is picking up the phone. Anyways, I need to go!!!!!
Everyone else, this is why I won't be going on the internet. lol
Mike- I am more in love with you everyday because you are such an awesome papa. You all know that Mike is a man of few emotions. But having a son has brought out many different sides and emotions from him. The son shines out of his son for him. I never had to say "pay attention to your son", "spend some time with your son"
Mike you are a great papa!! He loves and misses you so much!! :) He is always talking on the "phone" to papa.
I love you and see you soon :)