Friday, May 29, 2009

Little with big attitude

He is little. The sisters at the orphanage said there was a mistake and his birthday is in August, not in June, like all the paperwork says. And even maybe Sept. or Oct. They are just guessing.
But oh, the attitude!! He makes these looks with his eyes and mouth (which makes me laugh) and if he doesn't get his way, he has a screaming tantrum. He not only screams, but he has the high pitched noise that I have never heard before. I am afraid that neighbours will call the police. When we are out in town, women and men yell at us, and ask "why is he crying?" What are you doing to him?" I guess African kids don't cry much. It is so embarassing!!

I'm trying to write what I wrote yesterday, before I lost connection and I lost 5 paragraphs. But I don't know If I remember. I am now at a internet cafe and Mike and Irakoze are wanting to leave.

Thank you for your messages and comments. It is nioce to hear from you. We feel cut off from the world.
Thank you Kelly for all the clothes. That was such a blessing. So far, they all pretty much fit. Also to Bev and Amanda.

We have been very blessed here, with meeting people to help us. Our first day here, we were at the cafe (like starbucks) and it was late and dark ( and in Africa, it gets pitch black) our waitress helped us get a taxi and negotiated it to be cheap. (you have to negotiate the taxi fare or you will get ripped off) and know we are friends with her. We went into a store to ask where we can use a computer and she said to come behind the counter, you can use mine. She then told us where to find a church. We then went to church and made connections there as well. We then met a lady at the Minister of Family (Gov. Office) and she has been taking us around and giving us a lot of tips. We are going to meet up her again.

The african people for the most part are very friendly and think that us adopting is great. However we get about one or two comments a day that he cannot be our child, and that it's not right. "no, he is black, he is not your child" or they will ask me "is the father black?"

Thanks to Kathy (and Julie) so much for the townhouse. What a blessing!!! Kathy, you have been such a blessing. Thank you for all you've done :)

Please continue to pray for Immigration and IraKoze's Visa. I don't know how long they are going to keep us here.

Well, Mike and Irakoze really wants to go now. Bye for now.

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