Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Two hours and counting before blast-off!

As the song goes, "I'm leaving on a jet plane, don't know when I'll be back again." It is still hard to believe. We have been so busy getting ready over the last few days that we didn't have much time to really think about it. Except, when we were trying to sleep.

Now that we are done doing all the running around and packing the reality of the adoption is starting to over-flow. I feel like I have butterflies the size of canadian geese flying around in my stomach. I mean, in a little over a day we will be in Rwanda, and a couple of days after that we will have our son. WOW! CRAZY! Whooow, down boy, down! Tried to fly out my throat there.

Next time I put up a post we will be in Rwanda. Be talkin' to you soon.

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