Saturday, May 9, 2009

Just a Taste

It has been a week since our last post and, just to give you all a little taste of the roller-coaster ride we have been on through this whole process, yet another dip in the ride.

Once we got the court decision we thought all that was left to do was to buy our plane tickets and off we would go. This was not to be the case, however. Our lawyer in Rwanda sent us an e-mail saying that there was no police declaration that Jaxon was an orphan. The police declaration is a letter signed be the chief of police stating that they have done an investigation into seeing if they can find any living relatives or not. If they do then we can't adopt Jaxon. If they don't then he is officially an orphan. She told us that we would have to speak to the police to get them to do the investigation into whethter or not either of the parents could be found.

Yes, we were shocked as well.

All sorts of things were going through our minds as you can imagine. Needless to say we did not book our tickets this week. Instead we spent the week trying to get answers as to what we should do next.

Finally, on Thursday night we called and spoke to our lawyer ( 2:00 am ) and she told us that this same thing happened to another couple last week, and when they went to the police they were told that because there was a new police chief they were not looking into any cases of children orphaned over a year ago. They could not get a police declaration. They then went to the minister and explained their situation and the minister gave them their final letter.

Our lawyer said that she would take a letter to the minister explaining about the police declaration and that we could then call the minister a couple of days later to get her response.

Please pray that the letter will be well received by the minister and that we will get a favorable answer. Once we get this then we can buy our tickets.

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