Thursday, May 21, 2009

Half Way There!

It is 8:30 am back home and Marcy and I are now sitting in Heathrow Airport in London :)

Can't see much from in here, but we are here. I have seen a great deal of the city (from the plane :\ ) . The flight was good, but tough to sleep in those tight spaces. First class booths looked very appealing.

Next stop is Niarobi, but probably won't have time to hunt for a computer.

I think those goose/butterflies are getting bigger.

Big thanks to Carol and Trevor ( and the fam) for taking us to the airport.

Well, Cheerio and all That. Tah


  1. You are going to be parents so get the notion of first class out of your heads, unless you win the lottery it is no longer affordable! (trust me I know!!) God is watching out for the three of you, stay safe!!!

  2. It is nice to hear that you have made it this far. We know that your butterflies are large but you have said nothing about Marcy's I bet she feels like there are ostriches in her stomach. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. It is nice to know that every step of the way you are that much closer to your son.

  3. He is beautiful!!! I love the pictures and I love how precious he is. Look at those smiles and the fun looks he gives! You two, well three are so blessed. You make a beautiful family!! YAY!!!
