Thursday, April 30, 2009

It's Official!!!

Today we got the email from our lawyer, in Rwanda, that we have been waiting for, what seems like an eternity. It is official....Marcy and I are the proud parents of our son, Jaxon. :)

Thank You Lord!

Now, we need to book our flight and finish preparations for our son's :D arrival, a little paperwork, and Lord willing, be on our way to Rwanda, Africa.

Friday, April 24, 2009

And We Wait

This is the first entry into our newly formed blog, but by no means the first step of the adventure to get our son.
In the following days you will be reading about our journey in preparation for our trip, as well as walking step by step with us in Rwanda through the final stages of adopting our son Jaxon and bringing him back home to Canada.
Hold on tight as, if the process to this point has been any indication, it could be a wild ride.